Friday, April 3, 2015

Last Visit

Thursday, March 26th, was Jolene's 6th grade class's performance, and my last day at Fox Hollow Elementary School. Before we began, I went over to Mrs. Larson's 3rd grade class to give them cookies for their great performance the week before and to say good-bye. I didn't want to interrupt, so I quickly dropped the cookies off. Before I could leave, however, a bunch of my 3rd graders ran up to me and gave me hugs. It was the sweetest thing I have ever experienced. I didn't want to leave, but I had to go and rehearse Mrs. Pruyt's 6th graders for their performance.

Later, as the students were coming into the gym for the assembly, I saw Mrs. Larson's class come in right by me (I was sitting at the piano). They all smiled and waved when they saw me. Then, the best surprise ever, one of the students came up to me and gave me a rubber-banded stack of colorful cards from all the 3rd graders. Oh, how I am going to miss them! This has been an incredible experience. I am so grateful that I was given this opportunity to work with Arts Bridge. It has been one of the most rewarding things that I have ever done. I now know for sure that I love teaching elementary music, and now I am a little better prepared for my future in music education.