Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Carol of the Bells (November 21, 2014)

This week I decided to teach Mrs. Larson's class Carol of the Bells. They did so well last week with Pat-a-Pan, so I wanted to see how they would do with 2 parts. I simplified the harmony to just the melody plus a descending "bell" line. To incorporate parts of speech I did an "I spy" game where the children had to spy nouns, adjectives, and verbs in the words to the song. I circled each of the different kinds of parts of speech with a different color.

After teaching the words and the rhythms, we went out into the hallway to sing with the piano. I had already written the words on the whiteboard, so it was pretty easy to continue from where we left off. The children picked up the simple melodies very well, and they sounded beautiful! I am so proud of them! Afterwards, I had some kids who wanted to try playing the piano. So, while their classmates went out to recess, a few stayed behind so I could teach them some melodies from Carol of the Bells on the piano. I could tell that for most of them it was their first ever piano lesson. It was such an amazing experience to be able to introduce them to playing an instrument. I am amazed at all the variety of music education I get to do in this program. I just love this job!!

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